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Bears, Hunks, and Twinks Make the Gay Niche World Go ‘Round

What would the gay porn world be without bears, hunks, and twinks? Really, it was not so long ago when gay porn was an entire genre in itself- back in the days when it was just a subcategory of mainstream porn sites, and hardly an industry in its own right. But as the demand for gay porn grew in the late 90’s and from 2000 on, it has gained tremendous traction as the gay adult media market has latched on to the Internet as a tech savvy market demographic that has claimed it’s own role in producing hot gay porn.

As gay porn mega-sites emerged that catered exclusively to the online gay adult market, categories of content began to divide the mountains of porn that was hosted in these sites, and these sub categories soon became the monikers for gay porn types such as bears, hunks, jocks, twinks, tops, bottoms, and many other diverse descriptions of gay porn scenes.

As the gay industry grew and production became driven by gay producers and directors, industry awards exclusively for the gay market emerged, such as the GAVYN Awards, and this put an emphasis on awarding gay characterizations according to performances in various gay sexual roles. Bears, hunks, and so on are not easily compared to one another in a head to head competition, largely in part to the fact that each is so characteristically different that the other yet holds a strong following of consumers that actively seek out their particular gay sexuality theme. It’s almost like gender identification within the gay community, and many men are singularly attracted only one particular type of homo. While it may be construed as a division of the gay community, it also can be viewed as a symbol of the growth in social acceptance of homosexual’s ability to express their sexuality outside the stereotypes of the fruity, pink dress wearing effeminate limp-wristed faggots that many outsiders consider to be the epitome of gay porn.

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