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Two Big Balls in Hand are Better than None

Here I sit all broken hearted trying to write about something that should be so simple to describe and has been on my mind for some time. Testicles, testes, ballocks, balls, cullions, cojones, gonads, nuts, berries, rocks, stones, reproductive organs, male genitals, call them what you will but there is nothing like the feeling of holding a pair of big balls (I prefer hairy you might prefer smooth) in your hand while cum pours down your throat. What is this madness that I am reading you might be asking yourself and I say – don’t play coy with me it’s been on your mind for some time too, I can read it on your face.
When you laid eyes on him you wanted to throw him up against the wall and ravage every part, but you played it cool. You wanted to make sure he knew whose name to scream out while his cock pulsated. You created a role for him and he played his part better then anticipated. He follows you home and waits on the couch, like a good boy should, as you close and lock the door. Sitting beside him your mind races and your hand goes straight for the crotch of his pants as your lips meet his. You don’t even think about giving him a chance to come up for air as your nimble fingers work at the fly of his trousers. Yank them down to his knees and in one swift motion your mouth goes from working his mouth down to his cock…I could go on but I think you get the gist of where the rest of this goes. Or maybe you wish for me to go on and continue in every detail till the explosive ending. But why bother, like I said I have read it on your face that you have been thinking about this for awhile too.

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