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Big Testicle Does Not A Big Dick Make

Dear Blog Land and my fellow blog-ians I think it’s time we discussed Hustler and I’m not talking about the magazine. I’m talking about the cocky yet attractive man that was able to get me to his home with the promise of alcohol, Yes I’m a lush but that’s another blog for another day. Any ways where was I? Right, alcohol and the fact that he told me he was half black from the waist down and proceeded to put my hand on his cock over his pants. My hand was only there for but a split second and I felt something that made my private investigator want to come out to play. So I did what most horny alcoholics do at my age and agreed to meet him back at his place. Yes his place, hell no not mine, I’m drunk not stupid! So low and behold I’m thinking he is the young stud that I have been waiting for. Everyone should have a play thing now and again right? O get back to his place and he suddenly becomes shy and reserved, I’m thinking did he suddenly get beat in the face by sobriety? Is this his identical twin brother I’m working with? What the fuck, he put my hand on his dick for crying out loud! Well blog-ians I’m not one to want to pussy foot around! You wanted, you got it, I’m here! I was forced to take the situation under control so I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him towards me like a fisherman reeling in the biggest catch. Holy shit was it me or was this guy an actually good kisser? Why the shy? Well taking control of the situation certainly had me going and apparently him too as he quickly took back over the situation and dragged me to his room where the lights remained off. OFF! What the hell is going on here? What is he trying to hide? The ride was nice but hey I want to see what I’M getting on! There has not been a next time with this suppose boi toy o’mine so I’m only left to speculate, by my title can you guess where my mind went?

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