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Gays With Big Dicks Please Stand Up

Dear Blog Land and my fellow Blog-ians, I’m really getting sick of hearing woman bitch how all the goods one are either taken or gay! Really, if that was true I would have found the perfect man by now and be in la de da land in complete bliss. This however is not the case. All the good ones are gay indeed! Maybe all the ones with big dicks are gay because I haven’t seemed to find a shortage in them, but that’s another story for another day. Any who this all started when I decided to go to lunch with a dear old friend of mine from back in the day. I’m not going to say how far back in the day, at what point back in the day, or how many years said back in the day was. I think I age myself enough I really rather try to avoid doing so. Any who we go and have an amazing lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, as we both discovered we wanted to spend our money shopping and not dining out so I put my culinary talents to the test. At least I didn’t burn the grilled cheese, the soup on the other hand…well let’s just say it isn’t wise to bring tomato soup to a roiling boil. I mean once it cooled down we were able to dip our sandwiches to our hearts content, so yeah culinary skills. So after a warming lunch for such a rainy dreary day the only thing left to brighten us up was to shop. We hit one of our favorite stores EVER, Target. Yes you heard me Target. What can’t you find there. As we stroll through the isles making witty comments and debating if it is normal to be that flexible walking through the exercise and Yoga section and staring at the covers in utter amazement. My friend runs smack into the back of Mr. McDreamy himself, well not really but damn! She profusely apologies he winks at her and says something corny like it is always nice to be run over by such a beautiful creature, BLACH! She swoons and I try not to vomit on my $150 shoes. So he smiles they do the flirty flirty and he walks off. She’s in love until we turn the corner and he is pushing a cart with two kids and his bombshell of a wife, significant other, baby momma is draped on his arm. My friend looks at me and says “figures all the good ones are taken or gay”. To which I replied “All the good ones are not gay, but the gays with big dicks are welcome to come my way”. Hell at least she laughed.

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