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The Camera Loves Gay Guys with Big Balls

Nothing demonstrates hard core ass slamming gay porn action than guys with big balls pounding away at each other while their testicles hammer together like a fleshy set of those metal pendulum stress balls in a 7.0 earthquake. I sometimes consider myself fortunate not to have enormous balls as a gay man, and have told that he appreciates not having his man-bits slammed when I enter from behind by my partner when we’re in the doggy-style position. But I must confess, when I’m watching porn, I love seeing guys with big balls boning each other from behind with the camera focused on their swinging ball sacks from the position between both the performer’s legs.

It’s really an amazing sight, to see one cock just thrusting in and out while the enormous nuts slap violently against the sack of the sub as he takes the pounding cock and testicle package with great enthusiasm. It’s even better when they really get sweaty, and the sweat collects on their testicles and is smattered onto the camera lens as it is splashed from their soaked testicles as their scrotums careen against each other, and occasionally stick together between brutal shoves of one man into the other.

I guess you could say that there’s even more visual footage of a gay guys balls in gay porn than of the actual shaft and head of the dicks themselves. The balls are somewhat featured in virtually every scene involving the penis, but also have the distinction of being featured quite prominently even in scenes where the cock itself is hidden or consumed by a bodily orifice. In some ways that justifies my obsession with large nut sacks, as I presume I’ve seen more testicle on testicle action in my gay porn watching days than actual cock footage- and what we do tend to see is just a peek of the cock as it’s engulfed orally and anally.

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