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It’s Obvious; Gay Jock Porn Has the Studliest Dudes

If you wanted to see little skinny dorks take it up the ass, you’d watch twink porn, but if it’s tightly chiseled bodies beating each other into a sweaty pulp of man goo that you’re after, you’d head straight for the gay jock porn section of your favorite adult website. Think about it, would you shop for a big screen TV in the kitchen accessories section of the supermarket? NO- you’d head straight for the home electronics section (and hopefully pick one up that let’s you connect it to your computer- trust me it’s a great way to watch gay porn at home).

Jock porn is basically every gay body builder’s dream: both in terms of performing in and watching porn from this genre. Think about it, if you’re a gay adult performer who works out fastidiously, then you’re going to get cast in roles that accentuate your muscular physique, and these roles often cater to the athletic fantasy genre, such as sports coaches, soldiers, police men, firefighters, and of course: high school and college jocks.

There’s just nothing more raw and sexy than the image of a sweaty, dirty, exhausted athlete changing out of a muddied uniform with a few cuts and bruises on his manly body from a well earned victory. It just makes me wanna run up to him, pull off his jock, and reward him for his valiant efforts on the ball field. And I must admit, I had a few secret crushes on some of the straight boys I grew up playing baseball with, and I sometimes fantasize about sexy shower scenes involving me and a group of celebratory teammates soaping up and showing down together. These are the fantasies I look for when I’m in the mood for jock porn, and I will always know it’s a dependable resource for the most hot muscular dudes in gay porn.

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