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Solo Scenes Seduced Straight Guys into Gay Porn

Doing solo scenes is generally the first step an performer in the gay adult media business takes, but it’s also been proven to be a proven effective manner that has seduced straight guys into real gay sex. Sometimes they regret it, but often it is just the ultimate realization that no one can please a man, like someone who has a lifetime of experience with their own dick. The other fact of the matter, is that many straight guys are at least bi-curious, but afraid to admit it or explore their sexual urges for fear of being labeled as a homosexual. Once they get into a circle of open minded adults that support exploring this side of their sexuality, it is easy to see how many gay porn stars have seduced straight guys right off the set.

Now I’m not saying that’s the only motivation, as money is another enticing factor for a any young struggling performer, and some guys get into the industry simply by doing solo scenes as they are comfortable with masturbating, and can even be introduced to the process gradually by allowing them to film themselves on a webcam. It doesn’t take much of an audience to put a few hundred dollars in their pockets, and once that happens, it’s not long before their gay fans are going to offer more money to see them do even more erotic and engaging performances. Maybe from an initial solo act, a guy will allow himself to at least be instructed off camera by another man. From there, it’s not a far step up to getting a blow job from a dude, and ultimately, realizing that there’s as much pleasure to be had from fucking a guy’s ass as a woman’s. And while there’s not much money for men in straight porn, the allure of bigger payouts with doing gay porn has successfully seduced straight guys to the point where the trend has become a fetish genre in its own right.

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