fucking twinks – Gay Porn Pay-Per-View http://www.gaypornpayperview.net Wed, 03 Nov 2010 23:09:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.2 I Don’t Play Well With Fucking Twinks http://www.gaypornpayperview.net/play-fucking-twinks/ http://www.gaypornpayperview.net/play-fucking-twinks/#respond Sat, 06 Mar 2010 00:28:39 +0000 http://www.gaypornpayperview.net/?p=111 Dear blog land and my fellow blog-ians. I am not a small person nor am I abnormally large. I’m larger, wouldn’t consider myself a “Bear” per se but we will just say I’m big boned. I’ve always been a bit self-conscious of my size but for the most part I don’t let it weigh on my mind to much as there is a lot of other things I like to spend my day pondering about, like if I have to spend the rest of my life staring at the same wall what color should I paint it other than white. You know the important things in life.

As for my love life I have always been pretty lucky in finding what I like. Someone taller then me and thicker, I like to cuddle, hush no one wants to hear your wise cracks right now. Any who, depending on where I live I can usually find someone as tall as me or taller and thicker, yay me! But lately since I have moved back to the area from which I came all I get are fucking twinks hitting on me. What the fuck! I ain’t here to be your daddy or bear, and the next little fucker who comes up to me and asks me to be their big bear daddy is going to a part of a defenestration act. For those of you who are unaware of, never seen or heard the word it is the act of throwing something or SOMEONE out the window! Defenestration is the word of the day and I challenge you Blog Land to use it at least once during the course on a conversation. Bonus points if you do the Pee-Wee Herman Playhouse scream after using the word. Minus points if you have to Google what the Pee-Wee Playhouse scream is. Anyways I digress, so I never had an issue till I moved back to the land of twinks. Fucking Twinks.

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