videos gay – Gay Porn Pay-Per-View Thu, 04 Feb 2010 00:18:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 I Like My Videos Gay and Sexy, Not Lame! Thu, 04 Feb 2010 00:18:06 +0000 Dear Blog land and my fellow blogions, I watch a lot of movies! When I say a lot I mean A LOT! More then your average daily run of the mill Jack or Jill. I would say I have quite the movie buffness knowledge and what I don’t know, well there is always Google to search out the information. I Like a wide variety as well. From the classics to current, Action to Horror, there has yet to be a genre that I can’t find something in it that will tickle my fancy. But who am I kidding, I am not writing this blog to tell you about the most amazing movie I just saw. No! No, you should all really know me better by now. I’m typing away to vent a little, bitch and moan if you will about why I spent 2 hours of my life watching Twilight! 2 Hours mind you that I will never get back! Really, what the hey was I thinking? I know what I was thinking, I was thinking this wine is delicious! My good friend duped me! He invites me over, pours a wonderful glass of Pinot Noir that has been breathing for the better part of the day, and tells me he has put in a video that I Just had to see! Little did I know that this movie was for his amusement to watch me watch this and the look of horror unfold across my face! I had hopes, I had dreams, but I can say this movie crushed them out of me like a possum roadkill patty! The vampire sparkles! He FUCKING sparkles like a rave kid in heat! I’m sorry but it has to be said, this videos gay and not in the amazing way of me but as in fanny pack?!

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