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To Keep a Twink Happy, Pay Him Like a Sugar Daddy

Even though it’s more of a body type and personality that we associate with the definition of a twink, pay and dependence seem to be common aspects to actual relationships with twinks and their dominant partners. I guess it’s at the root of the relationship, that gays who are attracted to the twink personal are perhaps more subconsciously looking for a relationship where they are emotionally and intellectually superior to their partners. Since I think many twinks are equally attracted to men that provide structure and stability for them, it’s often the case that even if the financial transaction is not explicit between a dom and twink, pay is often an aspect of the relationship that binds the two in their inter dependence.

I’m not saying there is rampant prostitution inherent to all gay relationships involving a twink; “pay” is just a loose term to define the fact that often a twink assumes a somewhat more effeminate role in the relationship, which often is associated with a kind of ‘housewife’ financial dependence on their partner. My point is that if you’re specifically attracted to young gay men who are searching for acceptance and stability in their often chaotic personal and family lives, having the financial means to materially support your twink will assure you to have him stick around long after he’s matured into a sweet sub.

A nice crash pad, some decent clothes, and the use of your car are a good start for stabilizing your boi’s life, and if he proves dependable, you can almost set him up with a geisha type lifestyle: he keeps you happy when you need to be pleased, and otherwise is left to his personal fancies, which will often involve keeping himself slender and tidy for the next time he seduces your affections.

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