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I Love European Porn for the Uncut Dudes

While there are certainly multiple elements of European Gay porn that turns me on, the most exciting difference between European and American porn, is that the Euro porn features so many hot young uncut dudes. Not that I don’t appreciate an American cock with it’s bulbous head sticking out distinctly from it’s shaft like a young boa constrictor swallowing an apple, but there’s also something uniquely erotic about a fully sheathed penis on a sweaty group chiseled uncut dudes.

Another feature I really appreciate is their sexy European tongues, and I’m not just talking about their oral skills, er…blowjob skills, but those sultry foreign languages they use when their enjoying deep head skills or pounding away at some little tart’s ass. I don’t care about learning other languages, but I always try to remember the words for ‘fuck me harder’ from these sexy ethnic men.

There’s also just a style of International porn that is a bit less crass and ‘reality’ driven in International gay porn. So German might be a little too hardcore and techno driven, but a lot of the romance languages tend to produce softer more elegant gay porn that really brings out the sensitivity I associate with uncut dudes.

But I guess as a niche or fetish genre, uncut dude flicks have one significant drawback, as the fetish somewhat relies on full view of the cocks in action. This puts a premium on bareback sex scenes that put the actors themselves at risk. In addition to this, men with uncircumcised penises are 10-15% more at risk for STD infections, which makes them a more vulnerable group in terms of being exposed to the risks of performing with out protective prophylactics.

While I understand that as a fan of this genre, I hope they can find a way to let the uncut performers do their thing without the interference of condoms, I can certainly understand and accept in uncircumcised gay adult performers are reduced to having to wear protection in all their shoots.

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